Monday 23 November 2015

Reasons to Preserve Our Culture

1. Communal Support 
-Those that identify strongly with a certain heritage are more often likely to help others in the same community.

2. Connection to Social Values, Beliefs and Customs 
-Identify with others of similar mindsets and backgrounds.Cultural heritage provides an automatic sense of unity within the community.

3. Historic buildings are physical links to our past.
-Without that, we'd erase the stories of our past, as if our ancestors never existed.

4. Heritage preservation provides job opportunities
-It is more labour-intensive and is also good for the environment as fewer building materials are required to refurbish old buildings.

5. Historically significant buildings contribute to our country's cultural and economic well-being
-More tourists, means more revenue for the country to continue to achieve a developed status.

The Heritage Cycle by Simon Thurley

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